Frederick A. Reall
1989 Special Award of Recognition
Fred started his swimming career at the Wanskuck Boys’ Club in the early 1950’s under the instruction and coaching of Bill Cusati. He was an outstanding backstroker who often placed in numerous AAU meets and contributed to the success of the Wanskuck teams during that era.
Fred decided in high school to specialize in hockey but continued his long attachment to swimming by being active in the American Red Cross as a Water Safety Instructor and teacher of swimming. In 1981, Fred received a twenty years of service pin for his dedication to the Red Cross. During his tenure as an instructor he directed the aquatic program at the Wanskuck Boys’ Club, instructed the Providence Police Academy water safety programs, and assisted Cliff Adams with a number of Rhode Island State Police water safety schools. He was especially effective in directing the learn-to-swim programs for the Providence Boys’ Clubs during the 1960’s.
In 1970 Fred started a career with the Providence Fire Department. As a member of the department he was selected to head their training division on water safety. Fred is well noted for his contribution to ice rescue and safety. He researched and developed a new system of signals, rescue techniques and methods of ice rescue that are presently standards of operating procedures in Providence.
Fred was inducted into the Wanskuck Boys’ Club Hall of Fame in 1985.